Travelcall Advisory and Booking fees
To be charged at commencement of itinerary planning
Itinerary Planning Fee (leisure): $275 – 1-3 destinations
Itinerary Planning Fee (leisure): $400 – over 3 destinations
Inclusive of GST
Ticketing service charges
Domestic and trans-tasman - $50 plus GST per person
Domestic change fee: $30 plus GST per person
Ticketing service fee – economy and premium - $170 per person
Ticketing service fee – business and first - $275 per person
Change and reissue fee - $75 per ticket
European and US internal flights booking fee: $70 per person
Frequent Flyer booking: $300 per ticket
Inclusive of GST
After Hours Emergency Assistance - when office is closed and assistance is required.
$60 plus GST per individual booking.
Other charges
Cancellation Fees
Cancellations to Domestic/Trans-Tasman bookings will incur a fee of $25 per booking in addition to Provider and credit card fees.
Cancellations to International bookings (excluding Trans-Tasman bookings) will incur a fee of $150 per booking in addition to Provider and credit card fees.
Credit Card Fees
Visa - an additional 1.8% applies
Mastercard - an additional 1.8% applies
American Express - an additional 1.8% applies
Debit Card Fees
Visa (fee free)
Mastercard (fee free)
(All fees exclude GST, where applicable).